Workforce Development Specialist
Gamm, Incorporated
Kirksville, MO
Employer Description:
Gamm, Incorporated, is a private not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that has been providing dislocated workers, low-income adults, and youth services to include training, retraining, and employee assistance throughout 28 different counties for the past 35 years. Our Mission is to serve as an advocate for economic self-sufficiency through employment and education. Gamm, Incorporated generates opportunities for people to achieve independence and dignity by offering job training, employment placement services, and other community-based programs for people who have disabilities, those who lack education or job experience, and others who face challenges finding employment.
Workforce Development Specialist General Description:
The Workforce Development Specialist will assist jobseekers in obtaining and retaining appropriate employment through WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) services. The Workforce Development Specialist will assist eligible persons by assessing their strengths and weaknesses, developing employment plans, identifying training needs, and addressing barriers to successful employment.
For additional information, download the complete job posting below.
Closing date: March 30, 2025 is the premier source for all resources relating to employment in Missouri. Search for job openings based on your individual qualifications. Job openings are added daily.
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