In accordance with 29 CFR 38.9 (g)(3), Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals will receive language assistance in all communications of vital information.
Vital information is defined as information, whether written, oral or electronic, that is necessary for an individual to understand how to obtain any aid, benefit, service, and/or training; necessary for an individual to obtain any aid, benefit, service, and/or training; or required by law.
An interpreter, as well as the availability of free language assistance such as rulebooks; written tests that do not assess English language competency, but rather assess competency for a particular license, job, or skill for which English proficiency is not required; and letters or notices that require a response from the beneficiary or applicant, participant, or employee will be provided to all LEP individuals at no cost to the individual. (29 CFR § 38.4(ttt))
IMPORTANT! There are documents that contain important information about WIOA training services, how to apply for training services, your rights, responsibilities and/or benefits. It is critical that you understand the information in these documents. Click on “Select Language” to view our website in your preferred language. You can receive Telephone Translation assistance of all documents by CALLING 866-506-0251 at no cost to you.
¡IMPORTANTE! Hay documentos que contienen información importante acerca de los servicios de capacitación de WIOA, cómo solicitar servicios de capacitación, sus derechos, responsabilidades y / o beneficios. Es fundamental que entienda la información de estos documentos. Haga clic en “Seleccione el idioma” para ver nuestro sitio web en su idioma preferido. Usted puede recibir asistencia de Traducción Telefónica de todos
los documentos por CALLING 866-506-0251 sin costo alguno para usted.
WICHTIG! Es gibt Dokumente, die wichtige Informationen zu WIOA-Schulungsdiensten, zur Beantragung von Schulungsdiensten, zu Ihren Rechten, Pflichten und / oder Vorteilen enthalten. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie die Informationen in diesen Dokumenten verstehen. Klicken Sie auf “Sprache auswählen”, um unsere Website in Ihrer bevorzugten Sprache anzuzeigen. Sie können die telefonische Übersetzungsunterstützung für alle Dokumente unter der Rufnummer 866-506-0251 kostenlos erhalten.v